Build Environment

Build Environment #

The scratch3-tello repository contains diffs for scratch-vm and scratch-gui repositories in file units. Therefore, to build scratch3-tello, you need to clone scratch-vm and scratch-gui and then apply diffs.

Requirements #

  • wget
  • git
  • node.js
  • npm

Create a working directory #

$ mkdir scratch3-tello
$ cd scratch3-tello

Download the script to make an environment #

$ wget
$ chmod +x

Run the script to make an environment to build scratch3-tello #

$ ./

Running will automatically clone scratch-vm, scratch-gui, and scratch-desktop and apply diffs files managed by scratch3-tello repository.

Start Scratch3-Tello #

$ cd scratch-desktop
$ npm start

Make package #

$ cd scratch-desktop
$ npm run dist:dir